Spinal Decompression Therapy
Serving Wilmington, Leland & Hampstead NC
Decompression relieves pressure that builds up on the discs and nerves. The task of relieving pain comes about as a result of drawing areas of herniated disc back into place. It also sucks vital fluid and nutrients back into the disc to rehydrate and renourish it.
Decompression achieves this by creating negative pressure within the disc, referred to as negative intra-discal pressure. This creates essentially a vacuum to draw the bulging and herniated disc material back into the disc space and relieve pressure.
As the ligaments that hold disc material in place become stretched or torn due to bulging and herniation, decompression strengthens the ligament bands that hold the disc material in place to heal and prevent future recurrence.
In most cases the healing process requires only a few weeks of treatment on an out-patient basis. We have committed to undergo expert training in the delivery of decompression and dedicate a large portion of our practice to the relief of severe and chronic lower back and neck pain. Patients come to us to return to a normal pain-free life.
When you’re searching for a chiropractor with experience in spinal decompression therapy, look no further than Spine and Joint Institute of Wilmington. Receive the care you need to get relief from pain from pinched nerves and herniated discs. If you are interested in receiving more information about spinal decompression therapy, visit our contact us page or call us today!